“Liedkunst” – masterclass for interpretation of the “Lied” at Husum Castle
Interpretation of songs from different eras.
The course is aimed at advanced singing or piano students, and young musicians with adequate qualifications or training. If you want to apply: please bring your own sheet music (three copies are absolutely necessary).
Tutors: Prof. Ulf Bästlein (Voice); Prof. Charles Spencer (Piano)
Participation fee
350,00 €
The registration fee of 100 Euro is to be paid on application and entitles the applicant to attend as a daily audience member. It is also the ticket for all three concerts.
For foreign transfers please use these bank account numbers: BIC-Nr.: NOLADE21NOS IBAN-Nr: DE 342 175 000 000 000 16196, Nord-Ostsee Sparkasse
Registration deadline: July 9, 2024
Late or incomplete registrations cannot be considered.
Since the number of active participants is limited, an admission exam at Husum Castle decides on active participation in the course. Please prepare a “Lied” of your choice.
Admission exam
Not open to the general public.
Monday, July 22, 2024, 11:00 a.m., in the South Wing Hall, Husum Castle
Participation is only possible after previous application and payment of registration fee (100 Euro).
The courses
Classes are open to the public and can be attended on Monday, July 22 from 2 pm,
Tuesday, July 23, Wednesday, July 24 and Friday, July 26 from 10:00 a.m. until open end. The exact timing of the lessons takes place after the entrance exam.
Opening Concert
Liedkunst 2024 will open with a concert on Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm.
Portrait concert
The portrait concert with Bernarda Fink will take place on Thursday, July 25, 2024, 19:00.
Prizes for best performances and final concert
At the final concert on Saturday, July 27, 2024, 6:00 pm, the best entries will be awarded the following prizes by an independent jury:
- 1st Liedduo Prize: “Johann-Max-Böttcher-Preis”
- 2nd Song Duo Award: North Frisian Song Award of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Culture
- Prize of church St. Marien Husum
- Audience Award– donated by Gabrielle Gumpert and Barbara Hess
- Hardenack Otto Conrad Zinck Prize
- Theodor Storm Piano Prize
Application form for the masterclasses can be downloaded here. Please download and print out the form, complete it and send it to the Music School of North Frisia via mail or email:
Kreismusikschule Nordfriesland (Anke Lipschinski), Schloss vor Husum, König-Friedrich V.-Allee, 25813 Husum/Germany
Phone 0049-4841-8973-123, Fax 0049-4841-8973-120, email: kreismusikschule@nordfriesland.de
Tourismus- und Stadtmarketing GmbH, Großstr. 27, 25813 Husum, Telefon 0049-4841-89870, Telefax 0049-4841-8987-90
email: info@husum-tourismus.de www.husum-tourismus.de